Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog Post #2: Environmental Adaptations

1.) The Zulu people live in the KwaZulu-Natal province area of South Africa. The region is described as being a lush subtropical region. On one side it is lined with the Drakensberg mountain range with peaks over 10,000 feet high. The other side is lined with the subtropical coastline with spots of forest and the middle is a savannah grassland. The climate is described as being on both ends of the spectrum - extremely hot during the summer and heavy snow in the winter.

The Andean Indians live in Central America south of Guatemala. The area is described as being entirely in the tropics. Heavy rainfall is very common and dry spots are not.

2.)  The Zulu have dark skin which is their physical adaptation. The darker skin protects them since they are closer to the equator where the suns rays are stronger.

The Andean people have larger ribcages than people who are born and raised in lower altitudes. This is because the air is thinner as you go higher and they need to breathe in more of it to get an ample amount. Also, people from lower altitudes cannot reproduce normally when in higher altitudes. The Andean Indians reproduce normally.

3.) The Zulu's cultural adaptation is their lack of clothing. Like Donald Duck, they don't wear pants. This is probably to keep them cool during times of extreme heat. The Zulu are considered a "nude tribe" because of their lack of clothing.

The Andean Indians have developed a way to farm their mountain sides, they have to do this by hand so it is physical labor because machinery - if they had any- would be nearly impossible to use at these angles.

4.)  As far as race goes I would consider the Zulu to be African or Black. I'm not sure what the official PC term is. The Andean Indians seem to be kind of a mix between native americans and hispanic.

5) The Zulu are dark because of their physical adaptation, which is why I would consider them to be African or Black. The Andean Indians physical adaptations don't really have anything to do with race, I think. Their skin looks a little darker than a caucasian person but they're also outside a lot farming. If I was outside a lot I would burn like a lobster, but then eventually get a little tan (I am using that very loosely). That wouldn't change my race, I would just be adapting to being in the sun.


  1. Angelina,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I was entertained when you referenced Donald Duck. It was Probably the first time I have heard a Donald Duck reference in college; very clever. One of the things that I found most interesting in your blog post was how the Andean Indians have larger rib cages allowing them to breath deeper.

    In my blog I referenced an article that showed that Andean Indians blood also has the ability to carry more oxygen than lowlanders. This allows them to be more efficient with their oxygen use. I think having both adaptations gives them a major advantage over lowlanders in the high altitudes.

  2. I really enjoyed your post and pictures. I thought your description of their adaptations were great. Its amazing how much of a difference your location makes, how different we all are physically just because we've adapted to our surroundings. I also loved how you mentioned the Zulu are a "nude tribe" I don't blame them. Its gotta be way to hot to care.

  3. I liked your Donald Duck comment too haha! I thought your post was really easy to understand and follow. However, you should have separated the groups to make it easier but I thought your descriptions were spot on and had no personal opinion in them, which is our goal as anthros!

  4. Commenting at your post about zulu's cultural , In addition to the reason why zulu's people dont wear pants due to the heat. according to some articles about them, they also dont wear pant since zulu' women are not allowed to wear pant. they mostly wear skirts full of beads, Zulu beadwork encompasses a symbolic language that may include reprimands and warnings, messages of love, and encouragement.

  5. All points there and well laid out. I liked the mention of the farming techniques of the Andeans. A couple of comments for clarification...

    The Andean Indians take their name from the fact that the culture tends to live in the area of the Andes mountains. Hence the high altitude stress. I would have liked to have seen this mentioned the environment discussion, especially since you raise the oxygen adaptation of larger lung capacity.

    You show the relationship between race and physical adaptations, but you don't compare the two approaches to studying a population. Which is more useful to an anthropologist for understanding a culture, using the adaptationist approach or the race approach?

    Otherwise, good job.
